Board of Directors
Meet the Team
Maggie Crosby
Tempra Board
Vice President
Thom Matson
Susan M. Clark, M.A.
Foundation Historian
Doug Paul
Maggie Crosby and her husband David Robertson have been Sea Ranch members since 1998. They built their Sea Ranch house in 2005 and have lived in the community full time since 2013. Maggie has served on the TSR Board of Directors, the Forest Task Force, and the Election Committee. She is a steward of the Sea Ranch Little Free Library, which she created with support from the Foundation to ensure that children living at the Sea Ranch Apartments have access to good books within walking distance. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College and Yale Law School, Maggie directed the American Civil Liberties Union's reproductive justice work in California for 40 years, arguing cases in which the California Supreme Court struck down laws eliminating Medi-Cal funding for abortion and requiring teenagers to obtain parental or court consent for abortion. She also worked on other civil liberties issues, including freedom of speech, religious liberty, freedom of the press, and voting rights. She has taught Stanford Law School courses on constitutional litigation and legislation.
Tempra has been a Sea Ranch member since 2015, and a full-time resident since 2018 when she and her husband, David, completed construction of a new home. Tempra has been a grant writer, fund developer, and document designer for nonprofit organizations for more than 25 years, and is a visual artist focusing in ink and watercolor. She has a bachelor of arts in English from Humboldt State University and a master of arts in Communication Development from Colorado State University. Tempra currently serves on the Board of Directors of the North Coast Artists Guild and is the Editor and Graphic Designer of The Sea Ranch Soundings. In 2024 she launched a new quarterly print magazine featuring rural art and artists, Mark Makers’ Quarterly. She is an active philanthropist and fundraiser, helping support many organizations each year through financial contributions.
A 12-year resident of the Sea Ranch, Matson retired with AT&T in 2012 as a Sales Vice President, where he led a team of 4,000 sales and service professionals for the last 12 years of his 31 years with AT&T. Matson served as Treasurer of our Foundation for many years. His other north coast involvements have included: Three years on the Point Arena Theater Board of Directors (including two years as Treasurer), Vice-Chair of The Sea Ranch 50th Birthday Committee, Co-Chair of The Sea Ranch Vision Committee, and President of the Condo 2 Homeowners Association Board. Matson served 6 years on the Board of Directors of Frameline, the largest LGBT film festival in the world, including a term as Board President. He continued as a Frameline Emeritus Board Member for several years. He has worked on the Production Staff of the Academy Awards since 1997 and continues to do so. He also worked on the Production Staff of the Primetime Emmy Awards for many years.
Susan was a founding member of The Sea Ranch Foundation in 1984, and its Chair from 1990 to 2024. Susan has been a 48 year resident of The Sea Ranch, alternating between part and full-time from 1977 until 2008, when she became a full-time resident. She earned a Masters Degree in History in 1990, writing her thesis on the history of the German Rancho (Sea Ranch). She established Clark Historic Resource Consultants, which provided historic property evaluations and preservation plans for hundreds of properties from San Luis Obispo to Mendocino counties. She has served on the Sonoma County Landmarks Commission, the Santa Rosa Cultural Heritage Board, and the Santa Rosa Design Review Board. From1990 through1996, Susan was a member of the Sea Ranch Board of Directors, serving as Chair in 1995 and 1996. She is the author of the History of the Sea Ranch (Arcadia: 2009) She was honored as the Sea Rancher of the Year in 2011 and awarded the Sea Ranch Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023.
Doug is a part-time Sea Rancher since 1986, and Sea Ranch home owner since 1998. Doug has been a member of the Sea Ranch Archives Committee since 2007, and was the chair for two years. He is the current Treasurer for Archives. Doug was also the secretary of the Sea Ranch Finance Committee, serving for six years on this committee. Doug has a BA in Economics and an MBA in Finance from UC Berkeley, and a Masters in Taxation from Golden Gate University. He was a self-employed tax focused CPA for most of his professional career of over 40 years. He is now fully retired other than some limited estate planning and real estate investment consultation. Doug is a Past President of the Marin County Estate Planning Council, past Chair of the Mill Valley Schools Community Foundation, a former board member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Marin, Inc. and of the Redwood High School Scholarship Foundation. He is on the Emeritus Board of the Marin branch of the SF YMCA. Doug has been happily married to his German wife Elke since 1975; they have two grown children. Their philanthropic interests broadly attempt to assist organizations working to better the environment, provide international humanitarian aid, provide educational opportunities for low income students, and encourage support for the arts.