
You can support the work of The Sea Ranch Foundation by making a fully tax deductible contribution. The Foundation is an IRS 501 (c) (3) exempt California non-profit public benefit corporation. The Sea Ranch Foundation is administered entirely by volunteers. Administrative overhead is minimal, consisting principally of government filing fees and advertising, which typically amounts to less than 2% of donations. Thus over 98% of your donation goes directly to services for our coastal community.

If you believe, as we do, that funding worthy projects in the coastal community reflects on The Sea Ranch as a good neighbor, we look forward to your donation. The Foundation will mail you a receipt for your contribution.


Donate online or please make checks to The Sea Ranch Foundation and mail to

Doug Paul, Treasurer
The Sea Ranch Foundation
P.O. Box 1713
Gualala, CA 95445

Be sure to include your name and address with your donation. 

For information about other than cash donations or bequests, please call Doug Paul at (415) 517-0798 or email him at

The Sea Ranch Foundation's Federal ID number is 68-0041695.
Our California State Charity Registration Number is 057633.